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Idaho ARRL Section Emergency Coordinator Announced
Don Gardner W7PJ New Idaho SEC
Idaho SM Dan Marler K7REX has announced that Mike Neelon,
WA7MGN will no longer be Idaho Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC).
Mike has excepted a new Emergency Manager position in Oregon and will be
moving soon. Marler said, "I am tickled pink for Mike; this is
something he and his wife has been wanting to do for sometime now.
Mike, you done did good."
Marler says he is pleased and excited to announce that Don
Gardner, W7PJ will be moving up from his ASEC position to
be the new SEC for Idaho. Rob Blout, KA7ERV will be
the new ASEC and will be working with Don.
You can learn more about Don Gardner W7PJ by visiting his QRZ.COM
Dan Marler K7REX
ARRL Idaho Section Manager
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