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Email pics to Kelly@K7SU.com

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 View Idaho Section Monthly Zoom Meetings HERE  


To submit your club event in the Idaho ARRL Calendar  CLICK HERE
To submit a Silent Key report  CLICK HERE
To update repeater information in your area  CLICK HERE
To submit a suggestion to the Suggestion Box  CLICK HERE



HF Phone Net 3920 khz. LSB
HF Digital Net  3578.5 khz. MFSK32 @1500
morning and evenings.  Details below.

Mountain Standard Times

Mountain Daylight Times


Idaho QSO Party "Spud Run"
Click the logo below for information.


--- Click Here to Add Your Club Event to the Statewide Calender! ---


ARRL Idaho Section













Two New PIO's Added to Idaho Roster
Idaho ARRL Section Manager Dan Marler, K7REX, has announced the addition of two Public Information Officers (PIO) to the Idaho ARRL Team.  Marler said David Brainerd, WB6DHW from Kamiah and Charles (Ed) Mitchell, KB6BFR from Buhl have been added to our ID-ASM leadership list as PIO's.  "They will be working with Polly Smith, KG7DPO, Idaho ARRL Public Info Coordinator (PIC), as Idaho's Amateur Radio Public Information team" Marler said.  "What I would like to see is a PIO for different Idaho geographical locations helping Polly KG7DPO to tie the state together with meaningful Amateur Radio information."   Marler is still considering additional PIO's for the state.  If  interested contact Dan.Marler@gmail.com.

ARRL Approves Idaho State Convention 2024

I am pleased to confirm that the ARRL Northwestern Division and Idaho Section officials have approved the Kootenai Amateur Radio Society to host the 2024 ARRL Idaho State Convention in Post Falls on
August 3.  I am arranging to add your event to the ARRL Hamfests and Conventions data base on the ARRL Web page. http://www.arrl.org/hamfests-and-conventions-calendar.  I will also include this in July QST’s Convention and Hamfest Calendar.   You are welcome to display the ARRL diamond when promoting your events on web sites, in e-mails, advertisements and all other program materials.  The ARRL logo can be obtained by downloading it from www.arrl.org/logos-photos.  As a reminder, there are resources and information on the ARRL Sanctioned Events Web page  (http://www.arrl.org/arrl-sanctioned-events) that may help you organize and plan your event.   I will be e-mailing you digital ARRL prize coupon certificates much closer to the dates of your events.  You will be able to give these certificates away as door prizes.  We wish you the best for a successful State Convention!    


Steve Ewald, WV1X

Field Organization Supervisor

Idaho QSO Party Spud Run Info Video to Share
We have a video on Youtube that has valuable information about the 2024 Idaho QSO Party Spud Run coming up March 9th and 10th.  Please share this video with everyone you know.  Clubs are more than welcome to play it at a meeting for a presentation.    Click HERE to watch the video.  If you need a copy of the video to run it locally please email kelly@K7SU.com 


Idaho Winlink Wednesday
Check into the weekly WINLINK net.   Every Wednesday is Winlink Wednesday.  You can check in any time during the day Wednesday via Winlink either via Telnet, HF or VHF radio.  We are always looking for more checking.  Get all the info you need at THIS LINK.

Polly Smith KG7DPO New Idaho PIO
 The Idaho ARRL has a new Public Information Officer (PIO).  Polly Smith KG7DPO was appointed the the position by Idaho SM Dan Marler K7REX.  Her appointment is effective immediately.  To contact Polly email her at KG7DPO@ gmail.com.

New Idaho Parks Added to POTA

Please share with your interested ARC members and remind them to download the complete list of Idaho Parks from the POTA website

Thx and 73

(11/1/2023) Greetings all, the POTA admin team has allowed us to add new parks.  In Idaho we have added 8 new wilderness areas, 6 new BLM herd management areas, 6 national scenic byways, two state airstrips, two wild and scenic rivers, Big Southern Butte, Experimental Breeder Reactor - 1, and will soon be adding nearly 20 state and national fish hatcheries There are new POTA Parks now in every corner of the state bringing us up to 177 or so parks.

W7IMC Scott
POTA Volunteer Mapping Coordinator Idaho

Don Gardner W7PJ New Idaho SEC
 Idaho SM Dan Marler K7REX has announced that Mike Neelon, WA7MGN will no longer be Idaho Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC).  Mike has excepted a new Emergency Manager position in Oregon and will be moving soon.  Marler said, "I am tickled pink for Mike; this is something he and his wife has been wanting to do for sometime now.  Mike, you done did good."
Marler says he is pleased and excited to announce that Don Gardner, W7PJ will be moving up from his ASEC position to be the new SEC for Idaho.  Rob Blout, KA7ERV will be the new ASEC and will be working with Don.  

ARRL Announces New Awards
 The ARRL has two new awards available to members  One is a FIRST CONTACT award for new hams who help the new hams.  Both are PDF Fillable documents.  Click on the above links to find out more.

Video to Help You Navigate This Site!
If this is your first visit to this site there is a video you can watch to see the features.  Click on the link below!

Help Your Radio Club With CA$H!
Click HERE to find out more!

Idaho Gov. Proclaims Idaho Amateur Radio Week

Idaho Hams Get New License Plate
 Idaho Governor Brad Little has signed House Bill 107 which authorizes a new look for ham radio license plates for Idaho radio amateurs.  The new plates will be available soon.

Here is a link to HB-107.
Here is a link to the form you must fill out to get an Idaho Amateur Radio license plate.

Idaho Section Manager Dan Marler K7REX   k7rex@arrl.net

For reporting Idaho Silent Keys (SK): Send an email to SK@IdahoARRL.info
Go to https://www.idahoarrl.info/skreport.html for details.

We have ARRL Idaho Assistant Section Managers (ASM) located at several Idaho geographical locations to serve you better. We want to know how the ARRL can assist you. You don’t need to be an ARRL member to be heard. What you have to offer, benefits all of us.

Idaho ASM’s:

Rob Blout KA7ERV, Boise/Valley County ka7erv@arrl.net
Kelly Klaas K7SU, Twin Falls kelly@K7SU.com
Don Lynn ND7L, Nampa nd7l@arrl.net
Robert Minton NU7L, Boise rjm@interplus.net
Doug Nielson N7DN, Idaho Falls n7dn@arrl.net
John Ailport K7BSV, Sandpoint  John.Ailport13@comcast.net
Butch Hoseley KD7RMB, Elmore County  KD7RMB@Yahoo.com
Mike Brown, N7ID, Moscow/Troy area n7id@arrl.net

 We have three ARRL State Government Liaisons (SGL) in Idaho.  SGL's are the ones who have our backs. They are there to be sure the hams get a fair deal when it comes to government ordinances and laws.

Idaho SGL’s:

Rex Green, K7DMV - trgreen1947@gmail.com
Don Clower, KA7T  - 
Mike Brown, N7ID -





Idaho Swap Page